Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Be Mindful of This Fire Risk During the Holiday Season

Be Mindful of This Fire Risk During the Holiday Season

During the holiday season, it's crucial to prioritize fire safety in the kitchen. While there is often a lot of focus on the potential dangers of Christmas trees and space heaters, it's important to note that most fires during the holidays actually start in the kitchen.

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Shopping Locally is Now More Important Than Ever

Shopping Locally is Now More Important Than Ever

We all know that now, more than ever, shopping locally is critically important. Learn how you and your entire community benefits when you shop locally.

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Mindful Shopping

Mindful Shopping

As restrictions gradually lift across Ontario and in our local communities, it's important to remember that these businesses have gone to efforts to keep you safe, and if we want to continue flattening the curve, we all need to approach a business with mindfulness.

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Shopping Local – More Important Now Than Ever

Shopping Local – More Important Now Than Ever

We all know that supporting, small and independent businesses is important to our local economy, and with so many businesses significantly impacted by COVID-19 related restrictions and closures, they need our dollars more than ever.

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