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Shopping Locally is Now More Important Than Ever

Shopping Locally is Now More Important Than Ever
While it can be very convenient to shop online or choose a mall or big-box retailer for ‘one-stop-shopping’, we’d like you to consider making the effort to ‘shop local first’. 

Whether holiday shopping for gifts or choosing a restaurant for take-out; aside from keeping these businesses open post-Covid-19, whatever community you live in, everyone benefits when you shop locally. 

How do I benefit from shopping locally? 

A percentage of every taxable dollar you spend locally stays local! This money goes to valuable community services such as police, fire, youth and senior programs, our libraries, parks and maintenance of essential systems – all which improve our community and the quality of our lives and those who visit our small town. 

Further, your continued support of local businesses helps attract more businesses and entrepreneurs to your community; which has a domino effect of more selection, more tax dollars for local improvements and opportunities for tourism = all which positively impact you! 

Local business owners are our family, friends and neighbours. They support charitable events, they hire your neighbour. They sponsor your child’s hockey, dance, baseball, soccer teams. They volunteer their time at local events to make the community a better place. 

Save time and money. Think you’re scoring a deal heading into the city to buy gifts? Consider how much of your money and time are spent commuting (not to mention stress dealing with unruly deal-seekers!). Local businesses are often more accessible than huge big-box retailers or malls. 

Selection and availability of products. You may be surprised at what is available in your small town. Ask friends and families where they shop locally and make a quick call to a local business to see if they carry what you’re looking for. Park your vehicle and explore local businesses on foot – you may just find more of what you need on a weekly basis is right here in your town! 

Connect with your community. Whether you’re new to our town or lived here your whole life; shopping locally is a fantastic way to connect with the pulse of your town. Meet your neighbours, learn about upcoming events, feel connected to where you live!  

If you’re a business owner, share your safe shopping practices, and thank your customers for choosing your local, independent business! Ask how or why they thought to patronize your business – and in the future, focus your advertising dollars on those sources… And remember to support local businesses yourself! 

Final thoughts 

  • Could you allot an additional 25 percent or more of your holiday shopping dollars to local businesses? 
  • Could you include on your wish list gifts purchased from a local business?
  • Could you encourage your friends, family and co-workers to also shop locally? 

Let’s give it a try and see how we all benefit.