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Mindful Shopping

Mindful Shopping
With the government of Ontario implementing a gradual lifting of restrictions, we all know that focusing our spending dollars in our local community is more important than ever

Regardless of how you feel of the government’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, it’s imperative to be respectful of others.

Businesses that have street-facing entrances are opening up this week, and it remains important to continue with physical distancing and handwashing procedures. 

These businesses have gone to efforts to keep you safe, and if we want to continue flattening the curve, we all need to approach a business with mindfulness: 

  • Look for outdoor signage for where to stand in a line and/or signage detailing the maximum number of shoppers allowed in the store.
  • Upon entering a store, look for directional arrows to follow. 
  • Take advantage of hand sanitizer stations offered by the business.
  • Demonstrate respect by practising physical distancing while shopping and checking out. 
  • Try not to “touch” too many products.
  • Utilize contactless payment options when possible.
  • While we may be happy to be out, try to keep your socializing while shopping to a minimum, as there may be people outside waiting to get in. 
And finally, if you feel that physical distancing may be a challenge, then wear a face covering and carry a pocket-sized container of hand sanitizer with you. If you are considered to be a vulnerable member of the population or are not feeling well, then stay safe, and stay home.