Hello, I’m Watson, your digital life insurance consultant.

Within minutes, I will get you a customized life insurance recommendation from one of our trusted insurers.

The quote is quick & easy with absolutely no obligation.

Are you a smoker? Please choose the response that best describes your smoking habits over the last 12 months. How often have you used cigarettes or other form of tobacco, nicotine, nicotine substitute products, e-cigarettes and/or vaping

Would you like to select your coverage amount or receive a recommendation?

Do you already know the amount of coverage you are looking for? If so, choose “Select my coverage amount”. If you do not know how much coverage you require, let us help you and choose “Receive a customized recommendation”

How would you like us to recommend coverage for you?

We can build you a customized recommendation based on your individual needs OR we can advise you the maximum amount of coverage you can afford based on your monthly budget for life insurance.

Final expenses include, but are not limited to; funeral & burial, probate, lawyer’s fees, etc.


Outstanding loans include, but are not limited to; auto loans, credit card debt, etc.


Eg. This would be the annual amount of money your family members would require to replace the income you previously earned. (Keep in mind your mortgage and other debts may be paid off after death providing you had purchased adequate coverage).


Don't Know? Talk to a Broker

Eg. How many years following death would your family require this annual income to continue your current lifestyle?

Don't Know? Talk to a Broker

How many years are you looking to be insured for?

10 Years or 20 Years, which option is right for you? That answer depends on how long you need the insurance for. If you are only looking for life insurance for a 10 Year period, then a 10 Year policy would be the best fit and offer the lowest cost initially. However, if insurance is needed for longer period a 20 Year policy would likely offer a much lower cost over time.

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