Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Icicles May Be a Sign of Potential Damage to Your Home

Icicles May Be a Sign of Potential Damage to Your Home

Tips to help prevent ice dams from damaging your home. Preventative maintenance can help protect your home, saving you time and money!

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Determining Your Home Insurance Premium

Determining Your Home Insurance Premium

Have you ever wondered why your home insurance premium is different from your friends, neighbours or relatives?

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NOW is the Time to Take Action – Advice for Homeowners

NOW is the Time to Take Action – Advice for Homeowners

During this difficult time for businesses and families, it’s important to remember that we can only control our actions and our reactions to our ever-changing world.

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Home Safety - Fire Extinguishers

Home Safety - Fire Extinguishers

Smoke detectors and a home fire escape plan are the two most important elements to keeping you safe in your home in the event of a house fire, however, a fire extinguisher can help prevent a small fire from turning into a large fire.

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Are You Prepared to be Without Electricity?

Are You Prepared to be Without Electricity?

What if you didn’t have power for one, two or even three days? With the cold winter weather upon us in Windsor and Essex County and damaging ice storms in the news every winter, now is the best time to be prepared.

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