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Auto Insurance – Facts and Myths

Auto Insurance – Facts and Myths
There are some common misconceptions when it comes to auto insurance. It’s important to know what’s true and what’s not to help ensure you have the auto insurance coverage you need at a price that’s fair.

Car colour affects your auto insurance premiums

Myth – Car colour is documented for identifying purposes only and does not increase or decrease your premiums.

Convertibles are more expensive to insure

Myth – Convertibles in general, are not more expensive to insure.

Demerit points affect your insurance premiums

Myth – While you may have your license suspended for too many demerit points, your insurance rates are based on the convictions on your record, and these convictions affect your rates.

Photo radar tickets don’t impact your insurance rates

Fact – Since photo radar tickets are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle, it’s truly impossible to prove who was driving the vehicle, so photo radar tickets don’t increase your insurance rates.

Parking tickets don’t affect your insurance rates

Fact – Parking tickets won’t increase your insurance rates, but you will not be able to renew your driver's license until these tickets are paid.

If an insured driver borrows my vehicle and gets into an accident, it doesn’t affect my insurance

Myth – Insurance is attached to the vehicle, not to the driver, therefore, if someone borrows your vehicle and are involved in an accident, this accident will be on your driving record, and your premiums may increase.

Whether you drive for personal or business purposes, you’re covered by your auto insurance policy

Myth – Most personal automobile insurance policies will not cover liability or property losses that occur when a vehicle is used for business.

Speeding tickets don’t affect your insurance rates after 2 years

Myth – A speeding ticket may impact your insurance rates for up to 3 years.

Be confident you have the coverage you need; you can begin your online quote anytime by clicking here. For more information, please call: 1-800-679-2460 or email: 

 Drive safe!