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Tips for Staying Cool on a Budget This Summer

Tips for Staying Cool on a Budget This Summer
Summer in Canada is a season of sunshine, outdoor adventures, and, occasionally, sweltering heat. While enjoying the warm weather is always a treat, keeping cool can be challenging, especially if you’re trying to save money. At EasyInsure, we’re all about helping you find ways to protect your finances while enhancing your lifestyle. Here’s our guide to staying cool and comfortable this summer without breaking the bank.

Optimize Your Air Conditioner: Use: Air conditioning can be a lifesaver during those unbearably hot days, but it can also be a major drain on your energy bill. 
  • Set a Reasonable Temperature: Keep your thermostat at 25°C (77°F). Each degree lower can significantly increase your energy usage. 
  • Use a Programmable Thermostat: Program it to cool your home only when you're there. No need to keep an empty house cool all day! 

Regular Maintenance: Clean or replace air filters as recommended to ensure your AC runs efficiently.
  • Embrace Natural Ventilation: Take advantage of cooler evenings and mornings by cooling your home with natural ventilation.
  • Open windows to create a cross breeze and use fans to circulate air. 
  • Ceiling fans cost significantly less to run than air conditioners and can make a room feel several degrees cooler.

Block Out the Heat: Preventing heat from entering your home can be just as important as cooling it down. Curtains and Blinds: Close them during the hottest part of the day to block out direct sunlight. 
  • Reflective Window Film: Apply it to windows to reflect heat back outside.
  • Insulated Attics and Walls: Proper insulation helps keep cool air inside and hot air out.

DIY Cooling Hacks: Sometimes, simple DIY hacks can be surprisingly effective. 
  • Cool Down with Water: Take cold showers and keep a spray bottle of chilled water handy. 
  • Create a Homemade Air Cooler: Place a bowl of ice in front of a fan for an instant cool breeze. 
  • Sleep Smart: Use light bedding materials and switch to cotton sheets, which are more breathable.

Save on Cooling Costs: There are several utility and government programs available to help Canadians save on energy costs. 
  • Energy Rebates and Grants: Look into local and federal government energy efficiency programs that offer rebates and grants. 
  • Energy Audits: Some utility companies provide free or discounted home energy audits, which can identify ways to improve your home’s efficiency. 

Stay Cool Outdoors: Not all summer fun happens indoors, stay cool while enjoying the great outdoors. 
  • Seek Shade: Use umbrellas, tents, or find areas with natural shade. 
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you. 
  • Wear Light Clothing: Opt for light, breathable fabrics and light-coloured clothing to reflect heat.

You can stay comfortable and keep your energy bills in check this summer by making a few small changes around your home and adopting some savvy cooling techniques. At EasyInsure, we’re committed to helping Canadians save money, and we hope these tips help you enjoy a cool, budget-friendly summer.