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Scams and Cons - Don't Be a Victim

Scams and Cons - Don't Be a Victim
There are a lot of scams going on in the Windsor - Essex area, by phone, online and even in person. 

The audacity and desperation of scammers know no limit. 

Some recent local scams include: 

  • People requesting entry to your home claiming to be local building inspectors.
  • A bank or credit card company claiming that an account or credit card was accessed fraudulently and asking you to download software on your computer and log into your online banking. (Thus being able to record your keystrokes and obtain your account information and password.) 
  • Receiving a call from someone posing a relative, or friend or a relative, claiming to be in an emergency situation, requiring money be wired to them immediately. 
  • A call from someone claiming to be from Hydro, stating that a bill is overdue and requesting immediate payment with a pre-paid credit card, or their electricity will be shut off. 
  • Someone calling claiming to be from Canada Revenue Agency and requesting immediate payment for overdue taxes, stating that your assets seized, passport and social insurance number will be frozen if a cash, wire or by credit card payment is not received immediately. 

Always be on your guard 

Here are some points to consider:

  • A phone call may not be legitimate even if the caller ID is displaying the appropriate company name. 
  • They may verify your name and address, and even part of the bill related to their call. 
  • Some of these calls do not originate in Canada, be aware of callers with heavy accents. 
  • Legitimate calls from organizations will not if ever use unprofessional, demanding or threatening language. 

If someone comes to your door: 

  • Do not allow them in your home. 
  • Ask for identification. 
  • Look up in a phone book or online the number and call the company associated with the person at your door. 
  • Likely if they are not legitimate, they will leave immediately when they see you speaking on the phone. 
  • If you’re still suspicious or feel threatened, call the police immediately. 
If you receive a phone call that seems suspicious: 

  • Ask them to hold for a moment while you take a minute to determine if this call sounds legitimate. 
  • Do not give the caller any information to verify who you are: they need to verify who they are! 
  • Hang up and phone the number on your credit card statement, bank branch or ATM card to give you peace of mind and true verification of the caller's claims.
  • Tell the caller you are going to hang up: You will likely be threatened further, which is more proof that the call is a scam. 
These scammers use fear tactics to make victims feel they need to act immediately. Being aware is the first step to not being a victim. Please discuss these cons and scams with everyone in your life, especially seniors who might be more vulnerable. 

Anyone in Windsor or Essex County who has concerns about a scam or has received a call from a scammer is encouraged to call financial crimes investigators at 519-255-6700 ext. 4330.