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Protect Your Business From Slip and Fall Accidents

Protect Your Business From Slip and Fall Accidents
Customer slip and fall accidents are the most common liability claim and can be financially devastating for a business owner. It’s crucial to view your business from a customer’s perspective and ask yourself the following:

- Are the exterior parking areas and walkways well-lit, level, and free from standing or occasional water? 
- How is the drainage around your business? Are there areas prone to ice accumulation?
- Are the handrails secure?
- Are the walkways clear and wide enough for two people?
- Are there tripping hazards inside your business? Are the floors slick, carpets in need of repair, or walkway transitions poorly marked?

Creating a Safe Passage

Routine inspection and maintenance should be a cornerstone of your safety program to help prevent falls for both visitors and employees. Here are some actionable recommendations:
1. Well-Designed Spaces: Design your entrances and walkways to accommodate the expected volume of foot traffic.
2. Regular Surveys: Conduct periodic walkthrough surveys to ensure your property remains in safe condition.
3. Adequate Lighting: Ensure all walkways are properly lit.
4. Proper Maintenance: Maintain all flooring surfaces consistently. Use slip-resistant treatments, especially in wet areas, and apply these treatments according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. Safety Signs and Supplies: Use “wet floor” signs to indicate known hazards and have spill cleanup supplies readily available.
6. Entry Areas: Make sure entry areas are properly maintained, and that mats are securely placed.
7. Incident Documentation: Promptly investigate and document any incidents or injuries that occur.

Creating a streamlined system for handling accidents can greatly minimize their frequency and impact. Here’s an example of what to do in the event of an accident:

- Remain calm and assess if emergency help is necessary.
- Record all contact information from the injured and any witnesses.
- Take photographs and videos of the area.
- Document or video record statements from those involved.

The better your business is prepared for unfortunate events, the less likely they are to occur. If you have questions regarding your business or commercial insurance needs, please feel free to give us a call at 519-736-8228.