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Preparing for the Worst of Winter

Preparing for the Worst of Winter
In Windsor and Essex County, we’re lucky to enjoy fairly mild winters compared to the rest of Ontario and Canada – which means we can become relaxed in preparing for the worst winter can deliver. 

Here are some tips to help you best prepare for a severe winter storm. 

  • Stay home – If you don’t absolutely need to go out, then stay home. It’s not worth risking driving in bad conditions and poor visibility. 
  • Have a car emergency kit – Even with a cell phone, if you’re stranded on the road, help might not be quick to come.  
  • Keep everyone indoors – During a severe winter storm, keep everyone warm, safe and indoors – including your pets. 
  • Prevent pipes from freezing – If some pipes in your home have a tendency to freeze, don’t wait until the damage is done! Warm the pipes with a hair-dryer or for a more permanent solution, wrap them in electric waterpipe warming tape or cable. 
  • Keep up on shoveling out – It’s much easier to shovel an inch or two of snow than a foot! Dress in layers, stretch and keep up on shoveling the accumulating snow from your drive and walkways. 
  • Be prepared for a power outage – Snow, ice and high winds can damage utility lines. 
  • Check your vents – Accumulating and drifting snow can block exterior vents which may result in a build-up of dangerous carbon monoxide gas inside your home. During times of falling or drifting snow, check daily that your home’s vents are clear. 
  • Follow instructions on supplemental heating devices – Too many house fires are the result of improper use of supplemental heating devices. Ensure that you’re following the manufacturer’s recommendations and check that everyone in your life is doing the same. 
During severe winter weather, make it easy on yourself. Prepare to “snuggle in” and enjoy some downtime at home with your family!