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Personal Accident Disability Insurance

Personal Accident Disability Insurance
If you became disabled, how would you pay for your expenses if you weren’t able to work? Accident and disability insurance can help you out – and it’s likely more affordable and easier to obtain than you may believe. 

The odds of becoming disabled are higher than you may believe. Nearly two-thirds of Canadians believe that they only have a 2% chance of becoming disabled, while the odds are actually 25%! 

Already have disability insurance? Consider that your existing insurance might not provide the coverage you need, or if your injury occurred outside of work. This plan is designed to top up your existing work coverage. 

If you’re young and healthy, it’s a great time to purchase personal accident disability insurance. Accidents can happen at any time. 

Personal Accident Disability Insurance provides monthly benefits that can help replace lost income or fund new expenses if a serious accident or illness occurs. Monthly benefit payments can help supplement loss of income, pay for household expenses and whatever else the insured requires. 

Personal Accident Disability Insurance offers you added security and protection – at home, work or play, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. If you are injured because of an accident, your coverage includes:

  • Total and partial monthly disability benefits, where you choose the amount – including a 5-year regular occupation benefit when the benefit period chosen is longer than 2 years 
  • Immediate coverage, continuing for the full benefit period when an accident results in a permanent loss of sight, hearing, speech or limbs 
  • $100 per day for up to 1 year for accident-related hospitalization – paid in addition to monthly accident benefit 
  • Up to $100 ambulance benefit per accident 
  • A rehabilitation benefit to help you quickly get back to your regular day-to-day activities Built-in accidental death benefit of $10,000 or more 
  • An additional death benefit of up to 3 times the last monthly payable accident claims benefit if you die while receiving benefits 
There are many additional options we can tailor to meet your needs, including strain and sprain rider and sickness disability. Please reach out to us to learn more about this encompassing insurance plan. 1-800-679-2640