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Let's Celebrate - National Insurance Awareness Day

Let's Celebrate - National Insurance Awareness Day
June 28th is National Insurance Awareness Day, and although insurance likely isn’t something you think about often; when you need it, it can suddenly become the most important thing in your world. 

And while you might not think of insurance every day… we certainly do! 

We want to ensure that you are fully aware of what your policies entail as well as the limitations; to help protect you and manage expectations in the event of a claim. 

Please take a few minutes to review your policies. Review the amount of your coverage, limitations and take note of your deductible. It's important to us that you are informed and educated. 

If you believe you may qualify for a discount on your premiums, would like a quote from another carrier, or have any questions at all, please gather your insurance documents and give us a call: 519-736-8228