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Hotel Safety Reminders and Tips

Hotel Safety Reminders and Tips
Many lucky people are booking a warm weather getaway to escape the cold that has descended upon us in Windsor and Essex County. Before you book your hotel, please review our safety reminders and tips. 

Before you book

  • Check out the neighbourhood online with Google Maps - Does it appear safe? Are there sidewalks and nearby restaurants and businesses? Read reviews online, paying particular attention to safety concerns.
  • Review your travel medical insurance. If you're travelling out of province, your provincial health plan does not cover even the basic medical costs. To quote and purchase a travel medical insurance policy, please click here
Booking the hotel

  • Request that your room is not on the first floor. First floor rooms in general are easier to access than higher up floors. If you're staying in a motel, request that your room is in view of the check-in lobby.
Before you go

  • Make a short video of everything you’re bringing on trip.
  • Bring just the basics - Ask yourself if you really need to bring expensive jewelry.
Checking in

  • Ask the desk clerk to write the number of room down and paper, rather than saying it aloud.
  • Don’t flaunt cash, credit cards or valuables.
  • Park in a well-lit area, in view of your room and remove all visible valuables from your vehicle.
  • Ask the desk clerk or concierge of dangerous nearby areas to avoid.
  • Instruct the staff to not give out your name, room number or extra keys to anyone.
At the hotel

  • Review the in-room safety placard and familiarize yourself and family with alternate exits in case of fire.
  • Always keep your door locked and the safety latch engaged.
  • Double check that the windows and adjoining doors are locked. 
  • Keep your valuables in the in-room safe. If your room doesn’t have a safe, ask if your valuables can be stored in the hotel safe.
  • Never leave children or pets unattended in any area of the hotel at any time. 
  • Always use the peep hole when someone is at the door, and never open the door to a stranger. 
  • Always call the front desk to confirm that it is indeed a hotel staff member at your door. 
  • When leaving your room, put up the ‘do not disturb’ sign.
  • If possible, board elevators last when you feel comfortable with the appearance of all the passengers. Always select your floor number last.
  • If at any time you feel unsafe, exit immediately. 
We all want a relaxing, carefree time away. A little prevention and precaution can go a long way to creating a happy and memorable vacation. Please share these hotel safety tips with young or inexperienced travelers... and enjoy your time away!