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Home Security Basics

Home Security Basics
While home security is thought to be a top priority for most homeowners, an American study may indicate otherwise. 

There are two basic ways to protect your home and valuables: 

Locking doors 

  • Nearly 1 in 5 people reported to rarely lock their doors and especially not when they are at home.  
  • 63% of those surveyed stated that they know people who rarely lock their doors.
These statistics are surprising, particularly when considering that 30% of all burglaries have gained access via an unlocked door. While only 18% of respondents in this survey hide a key outside, those who do, hide it in obvious spots, such as a fake rock, under a doormat or in a barbecue. 

Social media  

The ever-increasing use of social media has become a common method for savvy burglars to target vulnerable homes. 

  • Approximately 1 in 3 respondents reported posting vacation photos and other related information to social media while away from home.
Through location data and open posting, thieves cannot only determine where you are but also where you live and how long you’ll be away; allowing them lots of time to find and burglarize your property.  

It’s important not to be lulled into a false sense of security simply because a burglary hasn’t happened to you yet because you live in a safe area or a have security lights or cameras.  

Talk to your family today about the importance of a secure home.  

  • Always lock your doors when you are away and even when you are at home.
  • Never post vacation plans or daily routines on social media. 
Remember to also be a good neighbour by reporting any suspicious activity in your area.